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上海津賽實業有限公司,是從事不干膠、商標等材料生產、加工、印刷與一體的研發型生產企業集團。我公司在上海、臺灣、溫州、越南等地設立工廠或分公司。目前公司擁有太陽、億迪等世界知名品牌全輪轉印刷機、柔版印刷機、布標印刷機、模切機、柔版印刷機、絲網印刷機等多條生產線。依靠先進設備的投入、高素質的人才引進與培養,以及產品創新。并通過與客戶的良好溝通,不斷改革創新,贏得國內外大批知名品牌用戶的信賴與支持。 我們的不干膠印刷品、布標印刷品、特殊打印材料等遠銷海內外18國家與地區,并形成了在物流倉儲、醫藥化工、生產制造、服裝紡織、電力電氣、超市鏈鎖、汽車及零部件等行業領導市場地位。 我們深知產品的生命在于品質;在品質管理方面,公司注重對員工的行為教育與理念的自覺成型培養,形成具有津賽特色的管理體系。公司先后通過ISO90012000)國際質量管理體系認證等,更加確保了我們的產品品質。我們堅持不懈,奮斗不息,為津賽的更大夢想而奮進,為用戶的每一份滿意而努力! 
Shanghai Jin Sai Industrial Co., Ltd., is engaged in the production, processing, printing and other materials, such as the production, printing and integration of R & D type production enterprise group. My company in Shanghai, Taiwan, Wenzhou, Vietnam and other places to set up factories or branch. At present, the company has the sun, the world famous brand, such as the whole wheel transfer printing machine, flexo printing machine, printing machine, printing machine, flexo printing machine, screen printing machines and other production lines. Rely on the investment of advanced equipment, the introduction and training of high quality personnel, and product innovation. And through good communication with customers, continuous reform and innovation, to win the trust and support of a large number of well-known brands at home and abroad.
Our self-adhesive printing products, cloth standard printing, special printing materials are sold at home and abroad to 18 countries and regions, and the formation of the logistics, warehousing, medicine and chemical industry, manufacturing, textile and garment, electrical power, the supermarket chain, automobile and spare parts, such as industry leading position in the market.


公司名稱: 上海津賽實業有限公司 公司類型: 企業單位 (制造商)
所 在 地: 上海 公司規模: 100-499人
注冊資本: 150萬人民幣 注冊年份: 2015
經營模式: 制造商
經營范圍: 紙制品、塑料制品、工藝禮品、計算機及配件、電子產品、五金交電的銷售, 在印刷科技領域內的技術開發、技術轉讓、技術咨詢、技術服務,電腦圖文設計制作,商務咨詢(除經紀),會展服務,廣告設計。
銷售的產品: 不干膠標簽加工印刷;布標印刷;合格證印刷;卷筒不干膠印刷加工
專用機械設備 / 印刷機械 / 不干膠(標簽)印刷機
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©2025 上海津賽實業有限公司 版權所有   技術支持:機交網     訪問量:2004
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