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      公司是國內從事氣體分析儀表,流量儀表、液位儀表、壓力儀表系列產品的研發、設計、制造的品牌廠家之一。現已形成豐富的產品系列:氣體分析儀表(化學、磁氧、紅外、熱導等)露點微水分析(維薩拉vaisala、密析爾Michell 、美國菲美特phymetrix等)固定式及便攜式氣體檢測報警儀(霍尼韋爾、華瑞等)氣體在線分析成套系統、流量儀表(電磁、渦街、渦輪、V錐、超聲波等)液位儀表(雷達液位計、超聲波液位計、磁翻板液位計、磁致伸縮液位計、液位控制器等).產品廣泛應用于石油、石化、電力、化工、冶金、造紙、環保、食品、水處理、等領域,擁有包括中石化(47420050)、中煤能源集團(20180301384)、大唐熱電、華能電力、延長石油、興化集團、陜煤化集團、大秦環保、華陸科技等眾多國內外知名企業在內的上千家客戶并積累了豐富的案例,能為不同行業的用戶提供專業、高效的解決方案。
         Xi 'an Saipu Automation Technology Co., Ltd. was established in Xi'an High-tech Zone. It is a comprehensive high-tech enterprise integrating scientific research, production, manufacturing, marketing and engineering services of industrial automation products instrumentation. At the same time, it relies on the Institute of Electronic Engineering, the Institute of Electronic Experimental Research, and other large-scale scientific research units, and forms long-term scientific research cooperation with Xi'an Jiaotong University, Northwest University of Technology and other universities.
 The company is engaged in gas analysis instruments, flow meters, liquid level instruments, pressure instrument series of products research and development, design, manufacturing one of the brand manufacturers. A rich range of products has been formed: gas analysis instruments(chemistry, magnetooxygen, infrared, thermal conductivity, etc.) dew point microwater analysis(Visala, Michal Michelle, United States Philmetrix, etc.) Fixed and portable gas detection alarms(Honeywell, Huarui, etc.) gas online Analyze the complete set of systems, flow instruments(electromagnetic, Vortex, turbine, V cone, ultrasonic, etc.) liquid level instruments(radar liquid level meter, ultrasonic liquid level meter, magnetic plate liquid level meter, magnetostrictive liquid level meter, liquid level controller, etc.). Products are widely used in petroleum, petrochemicals, electricity, chemicals, metallurgy, papermaking, environmental protection, food, water treatment, and other fields. It includes Sinopec(47420050), China Coal Energy Group(20180301384), Huaneng Power(1101297), Oriental Hope Group(06101010312), Datang Thermal Power, Extending Oil, Xinghua Group, Shaanxi Coal Group, Daqin Environmental Protection, Hualu Technology and many other well-known domestic and foreign companies. Thousands of customers and accumulated a wealth of cases, can provide professional and efficient solutions for users in different industries.
 The game spectrum instrument is based on the concept of "human-based, quality-oriented, user-oriented, and common development", providing users with advanced products while providing high-quality, all-round after-sales service. Provide sustainable, high performance, stable and reliable products for automation and control!
        We look forward to our flexible marketing mechanism, sophisticated equipment, stable product performance, quality technical services, and you work together to create a brilliant instrument industry tomorrow!
公司名稱: 西安賽譜自動化儀表技術有限公司銷售部 公司類型: 企業單位 (制造商,貿易商)
所 在 地: 陜西/西安市 公司規模: 1-49人
注冊資本: 1000萬人民幣 注冊年份: 2015
經營模式: 制造商,貿易商
經營范圍: 儀器儀表、電源、通訊設備(不含地面衛星接收設備)、工業自動化成套設備、電子產品、計算機軟硬件的開發、銷售;工業自動化工程、網絡工程、計算機系統工程的設計、施工及技術咨詢、技術服務。
銷售的產品: 儀器儀表、電源、通訊設備(不含地面衛星接收設備)、工業自動化成套設備、電子產品、計算機軟硬件的開發、銷售;工業自動化工程、網絡工程、計算機系統工程的設計、施工及技術咨詢、技術服務。
采購的產品: 儀器儀表
儀器儀表 / 溫度儀表 儀器儀表 / 壓力儀表 儀器儀表 / 電工儀表
儀器儀表 / 自動化儀表成套系統 儀器儀表 / 物位儀表
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©2025 西安賽譜自動化儀表技術有限公司銷售部 版權所有   技術支持:機交網     訪問量:1148
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