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除塵風機,防爆風機 ,煤礦風機,局扇風機

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  Zibo Fan Co.,Ltd(Zibo Jinhe Fan Co.,Ltd)lies in South Town,Zhoucun District .Zibo City,Shandong Province, with Bolai Expressway on the east, Jiqing Expressway on the west, 309 national highways on the south, Jiaoji Railway on the north, and with convenient traffic and well-developed communication.    
  公司始建于1976年,經過30年的艱苦創業,現已發展成為一個生產70多個系列700多種規格型號風機的全國中型一檔企業。產品廣泛用于鍋爐鼓、引風、車間、影院換氣通風、紡織軸流、化工防爆通風、煤氣加壓通風 、工業窯爐通風;治金、有色、黃金、建材及核工業等礦山的主扇、輔扇、局扇通風和隧道通風;煤礦主扇、局扇通風。產品均獲機械部、煤炭部和煤科總院頒發的生產許可證、鑒定證書和MA安全標志。K系列礦用節能風機獲國家星火項目銀獎和治金工業部科技進步二等獎、省科技成果一等獎等榮譽稱號,產品暢銷全國29個省(市、自治區),深受廣大用戶的依賴。
  The company was established in 1976, after 30-year hard pioneering work,  has developed into national medium-sized gear enterprise that produces the fans  with more than 70 series and 700 specification and type. The products  are widely used in boiler drum, induced draft, workshop, and cinema  ventilation, textile axial flow, chemical explosion-proof ventilation, gas  pressurization and industrial kiln ventilation; metallurgy, non-ferrous gold,  building materials and nuclear industry etc. the main fan, auxiliary fan and  local fan of mine and tunnel ventilation; mine main fan and local fan  ventilation. The products have won the production license, authenticate a  certificate and MA safety sign that issued by Machinery Ministry, Coal Ministry  and Coal Science Research Institute. K series energy saving ventilator for mine  has won national spark project silver prize and second prize of technology progress by Ministry  of Metallurgical Industry and the second prize of provincial scientific  development award etc. honorary title. The products are sold national wide 29  provinces (cities and municipalities) and are deeply relied by lots of consumers.
  In the 26 years, the company has carried  out the guideline of “Invigorate Company through Science and Technology” and has  maintained the long-period cooperative relation with colleges and universities  and research institutions, such as Xi’an Jiaotong University, Shanghai Jiao  Tong University, Northeastern University, University of Science and Technology  Beijing, Maanshan Institute of Mining Research and Metallurgy Ministry Mine  Energy-saving Station for Popularizing. Consider for consumers, meet consumers'  desire timely. Adopt new technology and continuously produce new products and  largely increase the enterprise energy and market share.
  由于公司始終貫徹“科技興廠”的方針,使其在眾多的中、小型風機企業中脫穎而出。 現已成為治金部、中國有色金屬總公司礦用風機主體生產廠,中國煤炭進出口總公司北京科力博公司淄博煤礦風機生產基地,中國風機行業協會成員廠,國家級星火計劃示范企業和省級高新技術企業,在國內享有較高的聲譽。
  Because the company unanimously carries out  principles of
公司名稱: 淄博金河風機有限公司 公司類型: 個體經營 ()
所 在 地: 山東/淄博市 公司規模:
注冊資本: 未填寫 注冊年份: 0000
經營范圍: 除塵風機,防爆風機 ,煤礦風機,局扇風機
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